• Welcome to Ranch Rants

    "Tour de Ranch"


    San Diego's first website that ranks restaurant's Ranch Dressing.

    The plan for this site is to review one restaurants ranch weekly.

    broken image

    Ranch Dressing Spotlight!

    Mo's Bar and Grill



    Is Ranch Kosher?

    I may be biased but honestly I LOVE a Jewish deli. There is just something about it that really captures my heart, probably all the Ashkenazi blood coursing through my veins.


    Side Note: One time I went to a Jewish deli not in San Diego and my mom made me order her 12 full loafs of rye bread, 5 lbs. of chicken liver and 5 t-shirts. I looked like an absolute maniac, but It’s safe to say we are obsessed.


    Elijah's is a great San Diego Jewish deli. They kill it. And the ranch is surprisingly amazing. Solid 9/10. And they give you a big side of it, so you can dip your matzo ball in ranch. Don’t tell my ancestors because I have a feeling that isn’t kosher.

  • Check out all the reviews below!

    BE IN THE KNOW! Make sure you subscribe to get updates on the latest ranch reviews!Rating Breakdown Below:0/10 = I’d rather drink my own piss, or they don’t have ranch (both disgusting)Anything less than 4/10 = Not worth it5/10 = Good in a pinch but really you are just “getting by”Anything 8/10 and higher is high quality ranch10/10 = **Chefs Kiss** PERFECTION!!!

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  • Self Declared Ranch Queen

    I judge a restaurant solely on their Ranch...

    Paige, the gal behind the obsession.

    For years and I mean years people have made fun of my unhealthy obsession with ranch. And hey, I get it, I have always considered myself a sauce connoisseur even if those around me just didn’t “get it”. However, my real niche, my area of focus, my jam if you will, has always been ranch. I did a stint in my early 20’s trying to recreate the perfect restaurant style ranch (public apologies here to my mother who had to deal with that mad scientist experiment and messy kitchen for 4 months). To my dismay, I could not get my homemade ranch to be exact restaurant quality. That is when I started to base my restaurant preferences solely on their ranch. I know this is dramatic, but I am who I am. The truth is, if I go to a restaurant and they have shitty ranch, I know their food is going to be shitty also. Why not save myself the despair and know what I am getting into beforehand. That is where this site comes in. If you are a real ranch lover like me, I hope this helps. There is nothing worse in this world then going to a restaurant and realizing their ranch tastes like rancid dog shit. Or even worse, they don’t even serve ranch at all (insert eyeroll for hipster places here). This site is unashamedly meant for like-minded people. Also, please do not come into this site saying “Hidden Valley Ranch” is just as good as restaurant ranch. That is bupkus, everyone knows HVR is good in a pinch, but please don’t insult me or anyone else with that blatant lie.


    At the end of the day, I know I am not alone in this. So please join me in ranking Ranch's around San Diego. "Tour de Ranch"

  • Tribute to Souplantation

    Ranch Rants would be remiss if we didn’t take the time to honor Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes ranch dressing. 10/10 hands down. This one hurts, but we put together a little something to pay tribute.🔊

  • Are you a ranch addict? Do you have a recommendation not mentioned? Send it here and you might get a shoutout in the review!

    Disagree on a review? Dont @ me. JK lets duke it out.